I am a PhD Candidate in the Pharmacology and Molecular Medicine program at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.
As part of my ongoing efforts to improve cancer patient outcomes, my thesis work in the Gignoux and Costello labs involves looking at drug responses in metastatic prostate cancer — using AI-based precision medicine approaches to optimize treatment plans.
As a born and raised Alaskan, I did both my undergraduate and Masters in the Bortz lab at the University of Alaska Anchorage, working on host-virus interactions and pathogenomic tracing of both human and animal viruses (influenza, SARS-CoV-2, ASFV)
On the side, I do freelance photography to make use of my camera and get me out and about.
If you'd like to inquire more about setting up a photo sesh and/or talk mad sicc science, feel free to hit me up!
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